2G Essays: Smiljan Radic: Every So Often a Talking Dog Appears and other essays

Moises Puente and Patricio Mardones

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A new series from the creators of 2G showcasing essays by leading architects

This compilation of essays by the Chilean architect Smiljan Radic covers twenty years of written production. The texts were written for various reasons: on the occasion of the publication of a book, as lectures or to accompany an exhibition. They are an invaluable aid to reaching a better understanding of the work of this magnificent architect, but they can also be read independently as shrewd personal reflections on architecture and other disciplines. Radic’s texts are almost always assemblages of several pieces or paragraphs that, although written by an architect, do not attempt to refer to a particular project or work.

Moisés Puente is an architect. He also works as editor of 2G magazine, and has edited books on Alejandro de la Sota, Josep Llinàs, Mies van der Rohe, Jørn Utzon and Olafur Eliasson. Patricio Mardones writes widely on architecture.

Walther & Franz König
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Architecture & Landscape Design , Architecture Monographs
Published Date
04 / 07 / 2019

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