Vincennes and Early Sevres Porcelain

Joanna Gwilt

Rs. 6,678.00
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The opulent wares of the renowned Sèvres manufactory are prominently displayed in palaces and art galleries throughout the world. By contrast, the comparative delicacy and simplicity of the beautiful wares of the Vincennes porcelain works, from which the Sèvres factory evolved, remain relatively unknown, even to porcelain experts, who will find much that is alluring and surprising in this remarkable book. Detailed photographs and lavish illustrations reveal the rich variety of styles and increasingly complex gilding that mark out the products of Vincennes and early Sèvres, including such innovations as the introduction of sculptural figures during the late 1740s. Much of these novel designs were initially inspired by the work of leading artists of the time - including François Boucher. The ebook that accompanies the printed version contains additional photographs, showing every piece in close detail, making it perfect for scholars, collectors and enthusiasts.

Joanna Gwilt is a specialist in eighteenth-century French decorative arts and formerly the Assistant Curator at the Royal Collection and also of the Wallace Collection, London. She is the author of French Porcelain for English Palaces: Sèvres from the Royal Collection (2009).

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Art , Art - Decorative
Published Date
01 / 06 / 2014

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