Shape of Ideas: An Illustrated Exploration of Creativity

Grant Snider

Rs. 1,592.00
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What does an idea look like? And where do they come from? Grant Snider's illustrations will motivate you to explore these questions, inspire you to come up with your own answers and, like all Gordian knots, prompt even more questions. Whether you are a professional artist or designer, a student pursuing a creative career, a person of faith, someone who likes walks on the beach, or a dreamer who sits on the front porch contemplating life, this collection of one- and two-page comics will provide insight into the joys and frustrations of creativity, inspiration, and process - no matter your age or creative background.

"Grant Snider's memorable comics about creativity, taken from his blog, are published here in book form. Each comic explores one of the joys or frustrations of the creative process with both color and candor that students will enjoy. There is a general smiling tone to this book, something students need in dark times." Nerdy Book Club ". . . a lighthearted visual examination of the labor behind the creative process.", Hyperallergic

Grant Snider is an orthodontist by day and a New York Times bestselling artist by night. His comics have been featured in the Kansas City Star, the New York Times, and the New York Times Book Review, as well as The Best American Comics in 2013. Snider's illustrations are featured on the cover and interior of the New York Times bestseller Quiet Power: The Secret Strengths of Introverts by Susan Cain. He lives in Wichita, Kansas, with his wife and two children. Visit him online at

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Business, Creativity & Self Help
Published Date
09 / 05 / 2017

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