Elizabeth Warren: Nevertheless, She Persisted

Susan Wood

Sarah Green

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Elizabeth Warren shares the incredible story of the first female senator of Massachusetts. Elizabeth came from a struggling middle-class family in Oklahoma City. After a heart attack put Elizabeth's father out of work, she helped out by babysitting, waitressing, and sewing, all while shining as a star member of her school's debate team. Debate taught Elizabeth how to fight with her words, a skill that eventually won her a state championship and a college scholarship. As a lawyer and law professor, Elizabeth learned why it was so difficult for working-class families like her own to advance economically, and today she continues to fight (with her words) for the poor and middle-class in her role as a senator. Releasing in time for the 2018 election season, Elizabeth Warren emphasizes the importance of being outspoken - of using your words to fight for both yourself and for those who need your help. "Young readers will benefit from seeing little Elizabeth growing up in Oklahoma as her parents struggle financially. . ..The book's subtitle - "Nevertheless, She Persisted" - is satisfying. . ..I was delighted to see the words on the cover of this biography, underneath Sarah Green's quirky illustration of Warren, the woman who'd been told essentially to shut up, in a bold blue suit, finger raised to make a point, standing at a lectern.", The New York Times Book Review "The first-ever picture book biography about this trailblazing senator is a celebration of persistence, passion, and the power of raising your voice for yourself and others.", A Mighty Girl "A biography of the Massachusetts senator by Susan Wood with peppy, absorbing illustrations.", The New York Times "In this motivational picture book, Susan Wood eloquently describes all this and Warren's childhood, plagued by problems with money and parental health, and her quest for justice for working-class families to advance economically. Sarah Green's flowy illustrations seem lighthearted and optimistic, the perfect backdrop to a woman who advocates for fighting for yourself and those in need.", Creators.com

Susan Wood is an author of many books for children including American Gothic and Esquivel! Space Age Sound Artist, illustrated by Duncan Tonatiuh. Susan lives in Norfolk, VA. susanwoodbooks.com Sarah Green is a RISD educated illustrator and designer born and based in San Francisco. She illustrated a book on Dorothea Lange, about which Kirkus said "Green's debut as a picture-book illustrator is brilliant" in a starred review. sarahgreenillustration.com

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Children's , Children's Non-Fiction
Published Date
07 / 08 / 2018

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