Vampires of Blinsh

Daniel Pinkwater, illustrated by Aaron Renier

Aaron Renier

Rs. 1,446.00
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In this clever picture book from children's luminary Daniel Pinkwater, vampires multiply in the town of Blinsh . . . until the entire population is taken over! This picture book is an account of events that took place in the village of Blinsh, Pinksylvania, during the month of October, when one person getting bit by a vampire leads to vampires multiplying until the entire town is taken over. The result is a hilarious, cumulative tale of an outrageous chain of events that has probably resulted in YOU becoming a vampire, too.

Daniel Pinkwater is, in brief, the author and sometimes illustrator of more than 100 (and counting) books, including the timeless Big Orange Splot which has sold more than one million copies. He was also an occasional commentator on National Public Radio's All Thing Considered and appeared regularly on Weekend Edition Saturday, where he reviewed exceptional kids' books with host Scott Simon. Aaron Renier is the author of three graphic novels for younger readers: SpiralBound, The Unsinkable Walker Bean, and The Unsinkable Walker Bean and the Knights of the Waxing Moon. He received the Eisner Award in 2006 for Talent Deserving of Wider Recognition, and was an inaugural resident for the Sendak Fellowship in 2010. He teaches drawing and comics at universities in Chicago.

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Children's , Children's Picture Books
Published Date
23 / 11 / 2020

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