Do bears poop in the woods?

Huw Lewis Jones and Sam Caldwell

Rs. 1,478.00
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Field guide Huw Lewis Jones takes readers out into the wild to discover all there is to know and love about the eight different species of bears.

Do you know your panda from your polar bear? Or can you spot the difference between a sun bear and a sloth bear? Follow your expert field guide as we travel deep into the woods to learn all the ‘bear’ necessities.

Bears are familiar to us all, but what you might not realise is that behind their big, grizzly image are wild animals who really need our help. So put on your walking boots, grab your binoculars and come along on a journey to see the eight incredible bear species in the wild. Not only will you discover why bears poop so much, you’ll also find out how to avoid getting eaten by one, and what we can do to protect them.

Shortlisted for the 2023 English 4-11 Picture Book Awards

Huw Lewis Jones is a polar-exploring author and naturalist who is lucky to have met many bears in the wild. He is Associate Professor at Falmouth University, teaching natural history, and has written history books about photography, icebergs, mountains and maps. He is also the author of the Bad Apple book series. Sam Caldwell is an illustrator based in Glasgow, Scotland. He studied painting at the Edinburgh College of Art and is the illustrator of four books for children, including Weird, Wild, Amazing!.

Thames and Hudson Ltd
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Children's , Children's Non-Fiction
Published Date
25 / 08 / 2022

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