Follow the Flyway: The Marvel of Bird Migration

Sarah Nelson, Maya Hanisch

Rs. 909.00
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In this lyrical STEM gem, nests full of baby birds hatch, grow feathers, learn to fly, and then finally follow the autumn winds south along the majestic flyway for their first big migration. Rhyming, poetic text and detailed, nostalgic illustrations make for an enthralling read-aloud, carrying readers along on the birds’ sensory journey of sights and sounds. Illustrated endnotes provide factual information about bird migration, the four flyways of North America, the species of birds found in the book and sources for further reading.

Sarah Nelson lives in Minnesota, USA, along the Mississippi Flyway, where she loves watching ducks flap and egrets glide. When she is not writing, she teaches English to adult immigrants and refugees. Sarah writes lyrical picture books on nonfiction topics, including the I Like the Weather series with Barefoot Books.Maya Hanisch paints with vibrant details that charm and enchant. Her deep love for nature is reflected in all her work, which focuses on plants and animals. Maya studied graphic design at Universidad Diego Portales in Santiago, Chile, and painting at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, USA. She is based in Santiago, Chile.

Barefoot Books
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Children's , Children's Picture Books
Published Date
08 / 08 / 2023

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