Alabama Studio Sewing Patterns : A Guide to Customizing a Hand-Stitched Alabama Chanin Wardrobe

A Guide to Customizing a Hand-Stitched Alabama Chanin Wardrobe

Natalie Chanin

Rs. 2,845.00
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Alabama Studio Sewing Patterns: A Guide to Customizing a Hand-Stitched Alabama Chanin Wardrobe by Natalie Chanin is a companion to the Alabama Studio Series: Alabama Stitch Book, Alabama Studio Style, and Alabama Studio Sewing + Design. In this final volume of the four-book series, Chanin offers, by popular demand, three new core patterns - the A-Line Dress/Tunic/Top, the Long and Short Wrap Skirt, and the Classic Coat/Jacket/Cardigan - and a guide to customizing garments to fit and flatter. For ease, convenience, and to ease its ecological footprint, this book comes with a CD rather than paper patterns. The disc contains patterns for all of the garments from the previous books in the Alabama Studio series with additional sizing for XXL, the three new patterns, plus five Alabama Chanin stencil designs, including the Polka Dot in three sizes, the popular New Leaves, and the classic Magdalena (all for readers to print as needed for their individual sewing purposes). Printed and bound in the USA. This installment highlights: ·9 core garment patterns with up to 34 standard variations, plus 3 bonus pocket patterns ·Patterns from the entire Alabama Studio book series with the additional XXL size ·5 full-scale stencil designs, plus a free bonus download available from Alabama Chanin's website (http://alabamachanin. com/resources/large-scallops-stencil-artwork) ·Useful, convenient CD that minimizes its ecological footprint by conserving paper ·Printed in the USA

Natalie Chanin is the founder and head designer of Alabama Chanin. Her work has been featured widely in the media, including in Vogue and the New York Times. A member of the Council of Fashion Designers of America, she is the author of Alabama Stitch Book, Alabama Studio Style and Alabama Studio Sewing + Design, all from STC Craft.]

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Craft, Practical Arts & Hobbies
Published Date
15 / 04 / 2015

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