Inspiring Chocolate : Inventive Recipes from Renowned Chefs

Claire Pichon

Rs. 2,845.00
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A delectable celebration of one of the oldest French master chocolatiers Since the opening of its first shop in 1882, Maison Weiss has mastered chocolate making, including learning the skills to select the best beans, mix cocoa from various regions, and design the taste of great chocolate. This abundantly illustrated book takes us through the wings and lobbies of this historic landmark in French master chocolatiers, introduces us to its bold and visionary founder, Eugene Weiss, and shares each step of the chocolate-making process. Some of the world’s greatest pastry chefs inspired by Maison Weiss also share their own personal visions of the beloved confectionary with more than 40 gourmet recipes for chocolate lovers at home.

Executive editor of the magazines Fou de Pâtisserie and Fou de Cuisine, Claire Pichon is a food critic, journalist, and author of several books. A former blogger (La Plus Petite Cuisine du Monde [the World’s Tiniest Kitchen], still accessible today, but no longer updated), she is very active on social media. A food photographer from Lyon, Matthieu Cellard has a very recognizable touch. When he is not on photo shoots for regional or specialized magazines, he covers assignments for famous clients such as Le 1920 in Megève, Cyril Lignac’s Le Quinzième, and Le Pur in the Park Hyatt Vendôme hotel in Paris.

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Food & Drink
Published Date
25 / 05 / 2023

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