Hey Ladies!

Michelle Markowitz and Caroline Moss

Carolyn Bahar

Rs. 1,478.00
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Based on the column of the same name that appeared in The Toast, Hey Ladies! is a laugh-out-loud read that follows a fictitious group of eight 20-and-30-something female friends for one year of holidays, summer house rentals, dates, brunches, breakups, and, of course, the planning of a disastrous wedding. This instantly relatable story is told entirely through emails, texts, DMs, and every other form of communication known to man. The women in the book are stand-ins for annoying friends that we all have. There's Nicole, who's always broke and tries to pay for things in Forever21 gift cards. There's Katie, the self-important budding journalist, who thinks a retweet and a byline are the same thing. And there's Jen, the DIY suburban bride-to-be. With a perfectly pitched sardonic tone, Hey Ladies! will have you cringing and laughing as you recognize your own friends, and even yourself. ". . .a 200-plus-page infographic that. . .satirizes the many way making plans for big celebrations – the kind in which heightened emotions, complex logistics and considerable expenses collide – easily gets out of hand." The New York Times "Moss and Markowitz do a phenomenal job of drawing out distinct characters, building tension that keeps the pages turning, and making clear that we're laughing with these ladies as much as we're laughing at them. Because, of course, there's a little bit of Hey Ladies! in us all." Buzzfeed "you'll definitely relate. . .our inboxes have never felt so seen." Hello Giggles "relatable, cathartic, and hilarious. . .Hey Ladies! is a deeply empowering book in which women take charge, know their worth, and make lifelong commitments to their friends." Bustle "hugely relatable. . .funnier than your favorite group text" am New York "This is a hilarious (but also big-hearted) roast of millennial women - our ambitions, our friendships, our dreams of having it all. But Hey Ladies leaves room for the idea that maybe we can." Refinery29 "the book you should bring with you this month is Hey Ladies!, a hilarious story from Michelle Markowitz and Caroline Moss." Apartment Therapy "You know the holidays are prime engagement season, and this book is the LOL moment every bride or bridesmaid needs before they enter a year of wedding planning and festivities. Born from the now-defunct column on The Toast, follow six friends as they plan a bachelorette party, a wedding shower, and more via too-real group chats and massive email chains", Apartment Therapy "If you've ever gotten an email with the subject line "Hey Ladies!" you know what you're in for? - ?an increasingly expensive bachelorette party planning chain that devolves over the course of several hundred emails. Born out of a popular column on The Toast, writers Michelle Markowitz & Caroline Moss hilariously detail the emails between a group of eight friends in the year leading up to one of their weddings. In between all the logistics are pitch-perfect satirical details about each character, snarky side texts between them responding to the main threads, and lots and lots of heightened moments you'll recognize (and probably cringe at!) from your own life. You can read the entire book in one laugh-filled sitting, then go back to pull out your favorite sections to savor later? - ?maybe each time you get another email?", Electric Literature "A warning: Don't read Hey Ladies while drinking, because you'll spit out your beverage. This utterly brilliant book captures (and exaggerates) our millennial communication habits.", Refinery29 gift guide

Michelle Markowitz is a writer/producer in New York. Her writing has been featured in the New York Times, The Toast, The Hairpin, Fast Company, and her comedy videos have been featured on The Today Show, Fox News, Good Morning America, Glamour, Cosmo, Mashable, MTV, Jezebel, New York Magazine, and more. Caroline Moss is the creative director at CNBC. She has written for The Toast, the New York Times, New York Magazine, Cosmopolitan, Racked, The Hairpin, and more. Her tweets appear on Twitter (pro-bono).

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Published Date
01 / 05 / 2018

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