One Last Song : Conversations on Life, Death, and Music

Conversations on Life, Death, and Music

Mike Ayers, contributions by Shea Serrano

Rs. 2,047.00
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An ironically upbeat book that asks some of today's most inimitable musicians which song they would choose to be the last one they ever hear If you could choose the last song you'd hear before you died, what would it be and why? Your favorite song of all time? Perhaps the one you danced to at your wedding? The song from that time you got super stoned and just let the chords speak to you? It's a hard question that Mike Ayers has thought about for years. In One Last Song, Ayers invites 30 musicians to consider what song they would each want to accompany them to those pearly white gates. Weaving together their explanations with evocative illustrations and poignant interludes - what your song to die to says about you, what songs famous people have died to, and more. The book offers insight into the minds of famous artists and provides an entry point for considering how integral music is to our own personal narratives.

Mike Ayers has been an arts and entertainment journalist and editor for outlets such as the Wall Street Journal, Rolling Stone, GQ, Vanity Fair, Esquire, Billboard, and many more. He is currently a senior editor at Money magazine, where he steers coverage of stories that examine the intersection of culture and money.

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General Non Fiction
Published Date
22 / 10 / 2020

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