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Ylla: The Birth of Modern Animal Photography

Ylla: The Birth of Modern Animal Photography

Pryor Dodge and Maneka Sanjay Gandhi

Rs. 5,121.00
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Ylla (1911–55) devoted herself exclusively to animal portraiture at a time when no one had thought of only photographing animals. Driven by her symbiotic relationship with animals, she created a new genre in animal photography: the expression and personality in animals.

Ylla: The Birth of Modern Animal Photography recounts the eventful odyssey of a "New Woman" par excellence, fearless and knowing no limits. She was part of artists' circles in Belgrade and Paris, however during WWII she fled to New York via Marseille where she started her career again from square one. Originally taking beguiling photos in her studio and zoos, Ylla finally traveled to Africa and India where she died in a tragic accident during a water buffalo race. Her Animals in Africa and Animals in India are some of the first books on the subject. Ylla also introduced photography to children's literature. Her books The Sleepy Little Lion and Two Little Bears are juvenile classics. This book details her remarkable life and work.

Pryor Dodge edited "Hot Jazz" and "Jazz Dance", provocative articles on jazz, classical music and ballet, and authored The Bicycle, an illustrated survey.

Maneka Sanjay Gandhi of the Nehru-Gandhi family, is a Member of Parliament, former Indian Cabinet Minister of Women & Child Development, an environmentalist and a founder of "People for Animals", India's largest animal welfare organization.

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Photography , Photography History & Themes
Published Date
06 / 06 / 2024

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