Aperture 240: Native America
Michael Famighetti
The Native America issue, edited in collaboration with the artist Wendy Red Star, considers the wide-ranging work of photographers and lens-based artists who are posing challenging questions about land rights, narratives of identity and heritage, and histories of colonialism at a moment when debates around nationalism and borders in North America are deeply contested. With contributions by Indigenous photographers, scholars, writers, and curators—including Rebecca Belmore, Natalie Diaz, Martine Gutierrez, Duane Linklater, Terese Marie Mailhot, Wanda Nanibush, Julian Brave NoiseCat, and Tommy Pico—the issue will look into the historic, often fraught relationship between photography and Native representation, while also offering new perspectives by emerging artists who are engaged with defining what it means to be a citizen in North America today.
Wendy Red Star (Apsáalooke/Crow) has exhibited recently at the Brooklyn Museum; Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; Portland Art Museum, Oregon; and Saint Louis Art Museum. In 2019, Red Star was a resident at Light Work and had her first career survey at the Newark Museum.