Serengeti Spy

Anup Shah

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In these terrific action photos of wildlife on the African savannah in the Serengeti and the Massai Mara, Anup Shah reveals these creatures as never seen before, using remote hidden cameras that have been planted across the plains. This is life on the plains in all its dynamism, cruelty and vitality, the circle of life in action. Readers will find themselves literally face to face with hyenas as they feed on a kill, with elephants communing in a watering hold, playful lion cubs, wildebeests leaping across a ravine, inquisitive monkeys who have discovered the camera and gaze directly into the lens and cheetahs peering back under their tails towards the camera. Many of these animals have actually noticed the camera, mostly by the sound of it clicking away and their interest is clearly piqued; they're certainly not accustomed to encounters with a camera on the ground of their home turf. This is primarily a visual journey through the African plains, but captions written by the author will impart interesting facts about the animals, as well as any activity of interest that may have occurred while the photo was being taken.

Anup Shah has been a wildlife photographer based in Kenyan and England for more than thirty years. His photographs have appeared many times in National Geographic as well as in many European nature magazines and calendars. Shah is the author/photographer, along with his brother Manoj of two Abrams books: The Circle of Life: Wildlife on the African Savannah and African Odyssey: 365 Days.

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Photography , Photography Monographs
Published Date
01 / 09 / 2012

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