Archaeology of Metaphor: The Art of Gilah Yelin Hirsch

Donna Stein

Rs. 4,552.00
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A retrospective survey of the Canadian American artist’s career.

Characterized by a search for meaning, Hirsch’s oeuvre connects psychological, scientific, and philosophical implications of form, bringing together ideas in art, science, ecology, and human consciousness. Her artworks in multiple and mixed media provide an evolving history of Hirsch’s ideas and craft, as they illustrate the progression of her original research on the origin of all alphabets. Her theory about five fundamental shapes in nature that reflect forms of neurons and neural processes of perception and cognition as the source of all letterforms in alphabets has gained acceptance in scientific circles.

Donna Stein is an art historian, critic, curator, and author.

Skira Editore
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Art , Art - Modern & Contemporary
Published Date
31 / 08 / 2023

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