Go Get 'Em, Tiger! (A Hello!Lucky Book)
This very first picture book from the Hello!Lucky team celebrates milestones reached and challenges overcome! The awardwinning Hello!Lucky team brings their bold style and surefire laughs to a picturebook about an exuberant tiger tackling life's challenges and coming out on top. Perfect for celebrating any big milestone, from the first day of preschool to college graduation, and every goalpost in between.
Hello!Lucky is all about using creativity to spread joy, fun, and kindness. Founded by sisters Eunice and Sabrina Moyle in 2003, Hello!Lucky is an awardwinning letterpress greeting card and design studio working with dozens of partners to create products, including Abrams's punderful children's books: My Mom Is Magical!, My Dad Is Amazing!, Super Pooper and Whizz Kid: Potty Power, Kindness Rules!, and Christmas Is Awesome! They also offer bedding, ceramics, socks, stationery, custom photo albums, and more. Hello!Lucky is based in San Francisco.