Information Graphics
Sandra Rendgen, Julius Wiedemann
This collection explores the development of infographics and visual communication in the big data age, from graphs and maps to stats and diagrams. More than 400 outstanding examples, from journalism, art, government, and education, are accompanied by essays on the art of infographics and fact sheets on each project covered.
Sandra Rendgen studied art history and cultural studies in Berlin and Amsterdam. Her work both as an editor and in developing concepts for media installations concentrates at the interface between image culture and technology, with a particular focus on data visualization, interactive media and the history of how information is conveyed. She is the author of TASCHEN’s Information Graphics and Understanding the World. Julius Wiedemann studied graphic design and marketing and was an art editor for newspapers and design magazines in Tokyo before joining TASCHEN in 2001. His titles include the Illustration Now! and Record Covers series, as well as the infographics collection and books about advertising and visual culture.