Jet the Cat (Is Not a Cat)

Phaea Crede, Terry Runyan

Rs. 909.00
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Jet is not like any other cat . . . but when other animals try to convince her that she's really a bird or a frog or a goat, she learns to embrace her unique identity. This hilarious story teaches us to celebrate our differences.

Phaea Crede writes silly stories for silly kids. Serious kids, too! Jet the Cat (Is Not a Cat) is her debut picture book. Phaea lives outside Boston, USA, with her husband, two kiddos, and a slightly stinky dog named Gus. Visit her at Runyan loves animals, particularly cats, and you’ll usually find furry, feathery and fishy friends in her work. She enjoys mixing it up and works in many mediums such as watercolor, cut paper and digital. Terry teaches art classes online and enjoys sharing her journey and insights on her highly popular social media platforms. She lives in Leawood, Kansas. You can find her at

Barefoot Books
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Weight (kg)
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Children's , Children's Picture Books
Published Date
01 / 05 / 2021

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