Karen Knorr: India Song
Rosa Maria Falvo and William Dalrymple
Over an established career, Karen Knorr’s work has developed a critical and playful dialogue with documentary photography through the use of different visual and textual strategies. Her aim is to explore everyday subjects such as family, lifestyle, culture and animal life to subsequently stage them in very unusual contexts. She uses colour to investigate issues of connoisseurship, heritage, and art through staged events in architectural interiors. The use of text and captioning appears as a device to slow down the consumption of images and to comment on received ideas about fine arts in museum culture. These strategies appear in her photographs with digital collages of animals and objects in a variety of architectural interiors. Karen Knorr began the India Song series in 2008, after a life-changing trip to India. These latest images, which draw inspiration from the Indian tradition of personifying animals in literature and art, create scenarios that are at once otherworldly and surreal.