Paper Monsters: Make Monster Collages!
Oscar Sabini
Paper Monsters enables young children to make seven collage pictures of monsters in cleverly designed paper pockets in the book. Children can complete all the pictures to make a monster procession who appear to be hurrying to the last page. There they will discover the monsters at ‘monster school’, and find a final collage to complete.
How It Works
At the beginning of the book, there are step-by-step instructions showing how to make the collages. At the back is an envelope with pieces of card and decorated papers to make the pictures. Open up a spread: on the right-hand page is an inspirational collage illustration of a monster; on the facing page, a paper pocket with a window cut to the same monster shape. Now go to the back of the book and take a piece of card and a few pieces of decorated paper. Tear and paste the papers, along with any scraps of old newspapers and magazines, to make a collage on the piece of card. Now slot the card into the pocket so it shows through the monster-shaped window. Hey presto! You’ve made your own wonderful collage monster.