Quill Soup
Alan Durant and Dale Blankenaar
Quill Soup is a prestigious White Ravon 2020.
Shortlisted for The English Association Picture Book Awards 2020!
Noko, the porcupine, is very hungry. On arriving at a village, he asks the other animals for some food and shelter. But, despite their full bellies, all the animals say they have nothing to spare. Never mind: he’ll just have to make do and cook a pot of soup from the quills off his back – a soup so tasty even the king likes it. Once the villagers hear of his plan they offer just enough ingredients to make a soup worthy of them all...
This African version of Stone Soup celebrates generosity and kindness - and the message that we can all benefit if we share our resources.
Alan Durant writes fi ction for all ages, f rom pre- school prose to poetry for adults. His picture books include the award winning Burger Boy illustrated by Mei Matsuoka. He’s married, with three children and lives in Brighton. He does a lot of school visits throughout the UK and abroad and also runs writing workshops.
Dale Blankenaar is a full-time picture book illustrator and designer from South Africa. He has illustrated about 30 picture books (locally and internationally). Dale has won several international awards including the IBBY Honour list and the Publishers Choice Award at the 2017 China Shanghai International Book Fair.