Single-Family Houses: Contemporary Homes in Germany

Chris van Uffelen

Rs. 5,559.00
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An extraordinary variety of well-designed middle-class family dwellings in Germany

For many people home ownership is one of the most important goals in life and the biggest private investment. In Germany about two thirds of the residential building stock consists of single-family homes. With 80.000 to 90.000 new residences built every year it is by far the most important construction task for architects in this country.

For this volume, the author has selected outstanding con-temporary concepts and designs that deserve to be noticed and appreciated much more. Neither luxury villa nor mass housing, all homes are within a middle-class budget. Apart from ground plans and elevations, key figures on square meters, building price and construction duration, facts on ecological aspects, materials used and, last but not least, the respective architects offer the potential builder exeedingly practical benefits.

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Architecture & Landscape Design , Architecture History & Reference
Published Date
21 / 11 / 2019

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