Summer Autumn Winter … and Spring: Conversations with Artists from the Arab World

Sam Bardaouil and Till Fellrath

Rs. 2,561.00
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A selection of fifteen well-established artists from across the Maghreb, Levant, and Gulf in conversations moderated by experts on contemporary Middle Eastern art. Historically, artists have been known for their ability to understand emerging trends of thought and emotions before they become clear to the society at large. Yet, outside the art world, artists have rarely enjoyed opportunity to share their ideas. As revolutionary movements challenge decades of authoritarian rule across Arab countries, Conversations with Contemporary Arab Artists is the first book to give voice to artists from across the region and makes their thoughts accessible to a wide audience. Its purpose is to record for future generations these artists’ thoughts as they bear witness to revolutionary currents sparking deep transformations in their political and social landscapes. Rather than providing a comprehensive analysis of the “Arab Spring,” this book simply aims to provide readers with snap shots of the states of mind of intellectually engaged Arab artists. It is aimed at curators, art historians, artists, sociologists, political scientists, citizens of the Arab world and students of art, art history, and the Middle East.

Skira Editore
Page Extent
Weight (kg)
Height (in)
Width (in)
Art , Art - Modern & Contemporary
Published Date
06 / 04 / 2015

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