The History of the World in Fifty Dogs

Mackenzi Lee

Rs. 1,706.00
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An illustrated collection of stories about dogs that knew how to sit, stay, and witness history Most dog lovers know Fido and Laika, but how about Martha, Paul McCartney's Old English Sheepdog? Or Peritas, Alexander the Great's trusted canine companion? As long as there have been humans, those humans have had beloved companions - their

Mackenzi Lee holds a BA in history and an MFA in writing for children and young adults from Simmons College. She is the New York Times bestselling author of The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue, which was awarded a 2018 Stonewall Book Award Honor. She is also the author of Bygone Badass Broads: 52 Women Who Changed to World. Lee currently works at an independent bookstore in Salt Lake City.

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Popular Culture
Published Date
15 / 10 / 2019

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