The Terrible Chenoo : A Tale from the Algonquian Nations
A Tale from the Algonquian Nations
Barefoot Books
Discover what happens when a brave woman and her husband are kind to a terrible Chenoo. Instead of letting themselves be scared of this man-eating monster, they feed him, provide him with clothes, and make him snug and warm in their home. Can they melt his frozen heart?
Sophie Fatus is a full-time illustrator and sculptress whose bright and distinctive artwork has brought her international critical acclaim. Sophie's previous projects with Barefoot Books include My Daddy is a Pretzel, My Big Barefoot Book of Wonderful Words, the bestselling Yoga Pretzels deck and several popular singalongs. Fran Parnell has settled in Hebden Bridge, England, although her heart lives in Iceland with the trolls. She has always loved monster tales, "the bigger and badder the better!"