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Urban Being: Anatomy & Identity of the City

Urban Being: Anatomy & Identity of the City

Robin Renner

Rs. 3,363.00
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There is a long tradition of comparing cities with organisms as they have simi - larities in their anatomy. But since cities are brought into life by the presence of people, they are less living beings than urban beings with their own identity. This is based on the behaviors, needs and requirements of the residents. In other words, the anatomy of the city informs its identity – certain city structures, wherever they are, are in - fluenced in similar ways by the people who interact with them. This volume shows and makes un - derstandable these influences on the living environments of the inhabitants. Through detailed charts and elaborate maps generated from satelite images various city structures are compared across five different dimensions and their influence on the city’s identity through the lived experience of the inhabitants is discussed. These range from local urban cells, explorable by foot, and urban centers to macro- regions, agglomerations of many hundreds of cities that stretch across thousands of kilometers.

Verlag Niggli
Page Extent
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Architecture & Landscape Design , Architecture History & Reference
Published Date
31 / 08 / 2017

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