Vintage Paper Toys: 64 French models to make at home
Franck Friès
In recent years, papercraft has been making a comeback. Flourishing on free sites all over the internet. Both children and adults have fun making these little paper toys; creating a smiling robot, comic hero, or an animal. Some collect them, others use them to decorate their office, or to give to friends and colleagues. Paper Toys appeal to a wide audience due to their simplicity, beauty and originality, thus ensuring their spectacular success worldwide. But make no mistake, it is not just hobby involving the cutting of A4 sheets and the gluing of a few tabs – it is an art form rooted in origami and practised by graphic artists from all backgrounds. It takes imagination and talent to create these little figures in paper! This book contains over 60 vintage designs suitable for all abilities including cars, animals, trains and airplanes. All that is required is a pair of scissors, some glue and, most importantly, a little patience...