Bend & Build: Architecture with Bamboo

Chris van Uffelen

Rs. 3,890.00
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Architecture involving and consisting of bamboo has developed into one of the most fascinating areas of global building culture. A material with many faces, more flexible than wood and stronger than steel: in addition to its individual and natural appearance, above all, the unique material properties such as extreme hardness combined with low weight, strong compressive and tensile strength, and elasticity significantly promote this trend.

Architects, engineers and material scientists are constantly optimizing the combination methods of bamboo with other building materials, thus expanding the range of its possible applications. What is more, the giant grass is found on all continents (with the exception of Europe) and, as the fastest-growing plant species, is in basically infinite supply. This book shows the amazing versatility of this eco-hero in architecture and interior design applications.

The core topic for Chris van Uffelen is the transfer of knowledge about design in all its manifestations. For more than twenty years the DutchGerman art historian has been publishing books as well as countless essays and articels on art, architecture, interior design and urban planning from antiquity to the present.

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Architecture & Landscape Design , Architecture History & Reference
Published Date
01 / 06 / 2023

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