Fun and Games : Everyday Play

Everyday Play

Celeste Cortright and Sophie Fatus

Rs. 778.00
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Follow a diverse group of children as they enjoy their favourite games! Readers can delight in familiar play like hide-and-seek to more unusual activities like tangrams, all while learning about the importance of taking turns and participating. Includes end matter about the cultural origins of the featured games and ZDs.

Since childhood, Celeste Cortright has loved being silly, solving puzzles and playing competitive games. She currently lives in the city of Boston, Massachusetts, USA with her partner and cat, where she works as a design director and still enjoys playing pretend. Celeste has also written The More We Get Together and Ready, Set, Go! for Barefoot Books. Sophie Fatus was born in Paris into a family of artists and now lives in Florence with her partner and two cats. She is a full-time illustrator whose artwork is always filled with fun. In her spare time, she loves to create silly sculptures such as cat-shaped chairs, horses or birds. Sophie has illustrated many projects for Barefoot Books, most recently Global Kids.

Barefoot Books
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Children's , Children's Activity Books
Published Date
28 / 08 / 2020

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