The adidas Archive. The Footwear Collection. 40th Ed.

Christian Habermeier and Sebastian Jäger

Rs. 3,750.00
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The history of the adidas shoe, from its earliest beginnings until today

More than 100 years ago the brothers Adolf ("Adi") and Rudolf Dassler made their first pair of sports shoes. Hundreds of groundbreaking designs, epic moments, and star-studded collabs later, this book presents a visual review of t

Christian Habermeier has been working as a photographer and designer since 1989. He studied communication design and taught photography and digital illustration from 2000 to 2006. He also pursues his own projects in Cuba, Kenya, Nepal, India, Switzerland, and Hong Kong. In 2000 he founded studio waldeck photographers, and in 2013 he achieved his long-held vision of a CO2-neutral studio.

Sebastian Jäger studied design at the Georg-Simon-Ohm University of Applied Sciences in Nuremberg, focusing on moving images and photography, where he met former lecturer Christian Habermeier in 2005. Their joint company studio waldeck photographers serves customers from industry and the cultural sector. Since 2011, they have been creating a visual record of the holdings of the historical adidas archive.

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Published Date
15 / 05 / 2023

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