How to Draw a Graphic Novel

Balthazar Pagani and Otto Gabos

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Packed with professional tips and interviews with leading graphic novelists, this is the ultimate guide on how to create a graphic novel.

How to Draw a Graphic Novel is structured as a series of short art courses that combine technical advice with creative inspiration. Written by graphic novel producer Balthazar Pagani, the book includes lessons in how to construct a narrative, develop characters, design settings, as well as the basics of printing, binding and digital file set-up.

Each lesson is supported by striking illustrations by graphic novel artist Marco Maraggi, and professional artworking tips are delivered in the style of a graphic novel by renowned Italian cartoonist and comics lecturer Otto Gabos. The book also includes biographies of and interviews with cult creators who share insights into their working process as well as work from their sketchbooks.

Featuring reproductions and a recommended reading list of famous graphic novels and comic books past and present, this is the ideal workbook for all aspiring graphic novelists.

Balthazar Pagani is the founder of BesideBooks based in Milan. He produced the Graphic Lives series of graphic novels for Laurence King, including Basquiat and Kusama, and more recently produced His Name is Banksy. Otto Gabos is an established cartoonist, illustrator and author who teaches on the Comics and Illustration Course at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna, Italy. Marco Maraggi is a cartoonist based in Udine, Italy, and is the illustrator of His Name is Banksy.

Thames and Hudson Ltd
Page Extent
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Children's , Children's Activity Books
Published Date
12 / 10 / 2023

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