In My Heart : A Book of Feelings

A Book of Feelings

Jo Witek

Christine Roussey

Rs. 1,592.00
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Sometimes my heart feels like a big yellow star, shiny and bright. I smile from ear to ear and twirl around so fast,I feel as if I could take off into the sky. This is when my heart is happy. Happiness, sadness, bravery, anger, shyness . . . our hearts can feel so many feelings! Some make us feel as light as a balloon, others as heavy as an elephant. In My Heart explores a full range of emotions, describing how they feel physically, inside. With language that is lyrical but also direct, toddlers will be empowered by this new vocabulary and able to practice articulating and identifying their own emotions. With whimsical illustrations and an irresistible die-cut heart that extends through each spread, this unique feelings book is gorgeously packaged. The Growing Hearts series celebrates the milestones of a toddler's emotional development, from conquering fears and expressing feelings to welcoming a new sibling. "With flaps to lift throughout, it's a book about giving and receiving with surprises throughout. This book of sharing is part of the Growing Hearts series celebrating the milestones of a toddler's emotional development.", The Big Issue

Jo Witek is the author of Hello in There! She is an author, journalist, and screenwriter, who has published several books in France. She lives in France. Christine Roussey is the illustrator of Hello in There! She works in advertising, as well as with newspapers, magazines and publishers. She has published several children's books in Europe. She lives in Paris.

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Children's , Children's Activity Books
Published Date
01 / 10 / 2014

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