We Are Power: How Nonviolent Activism Changes the World : How Nonviolent Activism Changes the World

How Nonviolent Activism Changes the World

Todd Hasak-Lowy

Rs. 795.00
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A stirring look at nonviolent activism, from American suffragists to civil rights to the climate change movementWe Are Power brings to light the incredible individuals who have used nonviolent activism to change the world. The book explores questions such as, what is nonviolent resistance and how does it work? In an age when armies are stronger than ever before, when guns seem to be everywhere, how can people confront their adversaries without resorting to violence themselves? Through key international movements as well as people such as Gandhi, Alice Paul, Martin Luther King, Cesar Chavez, and Václav Havel, this book discusses the components of nonviolent resistance. It answers the question “Why nonviolence?” by showing how nonviolent movements have succeeded again and again in a variety of ways, in all sorts of places, and always in the face of overwhelming odds. The book includes endnotes, a bibliography, and an index.

Todd Hasak-Lowy is a writer of several books for young readers and a professor of creative writing and literature at the School of the Arts Institute of Chicago. He was formerly an assistant professor of Hebrew literature at the University of Florida and has a PhD from Berkeley. Todd lives in Evanston, Illinois, with his wife and two daughters.

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Children's , Children's Activity Books
Published Date
17 / 03 / 2022

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