Mannequins: Bonaveri: A History of Creativity Fashion and Art

Gianluca Bauzano and Andrea Bonaveri

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A curious book on mannequin as symbol and means of communication in fashion, art, and culture. A full-spectrum journey through 60 years of Bonaveri: a historic Italian firm famous around the world for its collection of mannequins, used in the most prestigious exhibitions, the world’s grandest museums, and front stage in the most glamorous international fashion showcases. Bonaveri is also an emblem of the Italian approach to business: a family-run company founded in 1950 in Cento (Ferrara), where its products are still made before being exported all over the world. They are considered the Ferrari of the mannequin world. The book contains essays by art historians, fashion experts and fashion journalists, and is organized into 4 sections: 1) The Mannequin: symbol in art and culture 2) The Mannequin, subject/object of communication. The transformation of the mannequin-human body as seen through the display windows of fashion boutiques, exhibitions, and society 3) The Mannequin and Fashion. The relationship of fashion designers and creatives generally with mannequins: experiences, interviews, and stories 4) The Mannequin and Bonaveri: the history of a symbol of the Made-in-Italy. Retailers, merchandisers, members of the fashion industry, contemporary art fans will all find this book a valuable source of inspiration.

Skira Editore
Page Extent
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Fashion & Jewelry
Published Date
02 / 04 / 2013

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