Precious Paper: Paper Jewellery Design

Bianca Cappello

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A super pop-up publication! 21 highly original paper jewels created by 21 contemporary designers and artist-goldsmiths for you to create and wear!

From the 1960s to today, paper has found a growing number of supporters among artists, designers and collectors around the world. In the field of contemporary jewellery, paper has replaced diamonds and gold thanks to its versatility, but also because it is a “good” material, lacking that original sin belonging to precious ones. Moreover, when paper is recycled, it is perfectly part of environmental sustainability. Promoted by Comieco (the Italian Consortium for the Recovery and Recycling of Cellulose-based Packaging), the book is conceived like a trove of 21 pop-up jewels created by 21 of the greatest paper jewellery designers and artists from across the world, together for the first time to highlight the preciousness of this material and, therefore, the importance of recycling and not wasting it. In addition to illustrations of jewels – colourful and playful, made from 100% recycled cardboard with natural shades according to high-sustainability and low environmental impact processes – there is an essay on the importance of paper recycling by Comieco, plus a crucial and scholarly text on the history of paper jewellery design by the author and jewellery historian Bianca Cappello.

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Fashion & Jewelry
Published Date
22 / 03 / 2018

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